Types of videos that get the most views |vtuvimo
videos with a viewing time of more than 1000% on average.
Only well-known songs and kid-friendly entertainment have reached the billion-view milestone thus far, and I'm confident that most of us have seen a music video more than ten times.
Nearly every person on the planet has viewed Baby Shark twice, with over 14.5 billion views.
Moreover the CTR is good then it youtube will push it and if average view time is also good then it might get more views.
Vtu Vimo, vtuvimo,, vtu,Vimo vtu
Types of videos that get the most views |vtuvimo
videos with a viewing time of more than 1000% on average.
Only well-known songs and kid-friendly entertainment have reached the billion-view milestone thus far, and I'm confident that most of us have seen a music video more than ten times.
Nearly every person on the planet has viewed Baby Shark twice, with over 14.5 billion views.
Moreover the CTR is good then it youtube will push it and if average view time is also good then it might get more views.
Vtu Vimo, vtuvimo,, vtu,Vimo vtu
2 months ago