Best way to sell Ad ***** e on Website|News press advertising
1. Programmatic Advertising:Programmatic advertising is the process of selling ads online through automated platforms.Ad ***** es are traded in real-time auctions, where advertisers compete for the impressions and publishers can maximise revenue.
2. Sell Ad ***** e Directly: For maximum control over the advertising process, you can sell ads directly. This is a good option for publishers who are still growing their traffic too. If you sell ad ***** e directly, you don't need an ad network or SSP
Best way to sell Ad ***** e on Website|News press advertising
1. Programmatic Advertising:Programmatic advertising is the process of selling ads online through automated platforms.Ad ***** es are traded in real-time auctions, where advertisers compete for the impressions and publishers can maximise revenue.
2. Sell Ad ***** e Directly: For maximum control over the advertising process, you can sell ads directly. This is a good option for publishers who are still growing their traffic too. If you sell ad ***** e directly, you don't need an ad network or SSP
3 months ago